Friday, April 26, 2013

Why armed citizens are good for society

Just fished this bit of news out of the internet involving an armed civilian stopping a knife-wielding thug at a Salt Lake City supermarket last night who had stabbed two people.

Now, we often hear about stories like this on the local news, but hardly ever on the national news, and I wonder why?

Another thing that irks me is that we often hear congressional testimony from victims who call for stricter gun control, but very seldom do we hear about gun-owners, specifically conceal carry permit holders, testifying before congress about how they stopped a crime.

We all know that on average roughly 2.5M crimes are stopped annually by gun owners, but we only hear about those violent crimes and the need for gun control.  It's time the voices of the 2nd Amendment supporters are heard in congressional testimony.

Why the flu should cripple Congress

Here's a good one to shake your head.  A bipartisan group of congressional hacks have decided to add a .75-cent flu vaccine tax to help fund the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which they admit is no where near financial collapse as are Medicare and social security with $3.5B in the bank.  And given the fund has paid out $2.5B since its inception in 1988, that means that conceivably the amount it has banked can last another 25 years without a problem.

Oh no, the savants in Washington figure that with 135M Americans expected to receive flu injections this year (me included), that it could pilfer an additional $100M even though the trust fund is not on the verge of insolvency.  

So why add a tax that will take from the working middle class?  Because it's an easy and simple tax they can get away with without incurring the wrath of the American people.  It's a service tax or much like a sales tax. You buy, you pay. 

But since the VICTF is not bankrupt, are we to believe the entire $100M will flow into its coffers?  Or will  the additional funds be diverted to some other government project or favored earmarks never to be seen again?

That is the $100M question.

But wait, since this is all about funding a government trust fund, I thought there wasn't such a thing as a government trust fun?  You know, like social security, etc.

So writes Jeryl Bier, "As is the case with all government 'trust funds,' there is no cash set aside to pay out claims. According to the November 2012 report on the vaccine trust, the $3.5 billion balance is invested in 'US Treasury Securities.'  In other words, financing a portion of the $16.5 trillion national debt."

And so, folks, there you have it.  Congressional brilliance at work to siphon off more money.....ever more money from you and me. 

And these are the same folks who voted for and against ObamaCare, and are now working to exempt Congress and their aides from the dreaded and costly effects of ObamaCare.  

Help us, Lord!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reliving the left's Bush Derangement Syndrome

Eugene Robinson, writing in the Washington Post, helps Americans divert their attention on the ineffectiveness and failures of the Obama administration by focusing on former President George W. Bush's presidential library opening.

In his latest screed, Robinson reminds Americans why we are still supposed to hate Bush after four years.  He writes, "Hiding behind the euphemism 'enhanced interrogation techniques,' Bush made torture official US policy."  And he goes on to use the recent 576-page report from the Constitution Project to make his point that no matter what, Bush was the worst of all American presidents.

Look, I've had my issues with the former president.  I didn't like the prescription drug law and TARP among a few others.  But when it came to handling the war against Islamic terrorism Bush was spot on.  I remain apprehensive about Iraq still even after reading Decision Points, however I was never privy to top secret intel reports as he was.

That said, I do see and respect that Bush helped free 25 million Afghans and another 25 million Iraqis from oppressive regimes, and set about a course for democracy in that part of the world.  Whether democracy's roots take hold of that soil remains to be seen, and it is both of those goals (freedom and democracy) that liberals like Robinson refuse to accept for they will never ever forgive Bush for the 2000 election.

However, Robinson does end his anti-Bush rant by lauding the number one cause of liberals.  That of AIDS and of Bush's effort to bring anti-viral AIDS drugs to Africa to save the lives of millions.  Therefore, it's okay to fight AIDS but not okay to fight terrorism using military force which then helps to free 50 million people from oppressive governments.

Look, President Bush did what he thought was right for this nation and so we must live with his war decisions and all the consequences.  But remember this, 19 radicalized Muslim men brought us to where we are today.  And we live still in a very dangerous world, and thus we cannot let our guards down one bit, or we may face an even greater peril ahead.  Far greater than what happened on 9/11 and in Boston last week.

Improving federal background gun checks? Sure!!!

The Obama administration and congressional liberals want to pass legislation that would "improved" federal background checks conducted by the FBI on all gun purchases, but when it comes to background checks on foreign nationals and potential domestic terror suspects like Tamerlan Tsarnaev, they just can't get it right.

And we're supposed to believe that a new and improved federal firearms check will stop criminals and the mentally ill from purchasing guns at stores, gun shows or private transfers?

The 2nd Amendment is your right, and not the governments!

The Daily Caller's Christopher Bedford has a very good column on why President Barack Hussein Obama lost the gun control battle, and that is quite clear given the enormous expense of capital (both financial and political) Obama used to reach out to the American people after Sandy Hook.

However, Obama's fanatical crusade to enlist millions into his cause proved ineffective, in part, because he continues to believe that he is the lord and savior of the American republic.  For all you liberal, hardcore leftist progressive Democrats out there, Obama is not the lord king savior or ruler of America.  Obama is simply president, and presidents must act responsibly with the powers entrusted in him by the U.S. Constitution.  Something Obama does not consider when attempting to obstruct and steamroll laws and people who get in his way.

Americans know how to respond effectively when politicians think they are above the law. At times, such responses do not work such as when New York City's Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg illegally won a third term as that city's chief executive in 2009.

We Americans love our lives, our liberties, and our pursuit of happiness.......and owning firearms protects our lives, our liberties, and allows us to pursue happiness as we see fit for ourselves.

The 2nd Amendment is a right as cherished as the nine other Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights are simply the rights given us by nature, by God, and simply codified to ensure that it remains so, to be read, to be understood, and not be denied by government.

What is it about the right by law-abiding citizens to possess firearms that so annoys progressives?

How about leftwing terrorism?

And one wonders why the American mainstream press is a total joke.  After the Boston Marathon Bombing, Chris Matthews and company were salivating over the possibility, in fact, the likelihood that the terror attack that killed three and injured hundreds, was concocted by a bunch of rightwing, gun-toting kooks, because it occurred on Tax Day.

Where's the apology?

I won't hold my breath, but I will report on this piece of information.  That of the August 2012 terror shooting at the Family Research Council's by a thug who wanted to inflict as much harm to the conservative organization simply because it opposes same-sex marriage.

The terror subject, Floyd Lee Corkin III, wounded a security guard before being apprehended by him.  Corkin chose to attack the FRC because he had found that the Southern Poverty Law Center had named it as a hate group.  Corkin is a leftwing fanatic.  Where's the outrage?

Why does the Right not fight harder when it comes to leftwingers like Matthews defining the right as terrorist-prone?  Bill Ayer's must be laughing ever day and night at the obvious double standard.

Say again, Mayor Bloomberg?

So New York City Mayor Nanny (aka Michael R. Bloomberg) wants the country's interpretation of the U.S. Constitution to change after the Boston Marathon Bombing. I say no, because the ulterior motive this mayor has is to strip the Bill of Rights to the point where we, the people, become something less than a citizen. I do not support the Collectivist position (which Bloomberg does) which denies individual rights. There is something called the Common Good, but such notion must be specific and lead to a tangible good in the end, and not strip the individual of anything that is inherent. Namely, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all of which are anathema to the progressive agenda of absolute total control of one's life.

The Constitution was written specifically to limit the federal government from encroaching on the individual, thus the Bill of Rights. If anybody is to change, it is Bloomberg, but that will never happen. He's been steamrolling the rights of New York City citizens since he was able to secure an illegal third term. He hates guns, hates salt, hates soda, hates smokes, hates fat, hates conservatives and the tea party, and hates just about anything and anyone that gets in his way of achieving his progressively radicalized agenda on the national level.

Personally, I'm all about security and improving security where needed by government using its policing powers in a balanced approach, and that includes law-abiding individuals personally owning firearms (as many as one can afford) for that is our constitutional right. I've got no problems with public square cameras so long as they are not used to abuse citizens, but rather to safeguard the public and to pinpoint criminal activity and terrorism such as Boston Marathon Bombing. But let's not throw ourselves at the mercy of Big Brother as if we're lilliputians requiring government to be our savior. Yes, the number one priority of the government at all level is to protect the nation and its people, but it cannot do so by taking our rights away. And that is where I draw the line since I know Bloomberg, judging from what he's done in the recent past, is way off base. He's got bigger things in mind, and that scares me.

Here's a reminder to Mayor Bloomberg from The Preamble: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

What Mayor Bloomberg has in mind is to re-write the Preamble (and the Constitution) to begin with the words "We, the Government,........."  That is unacceptable, and I will fight it to the hilt!