Saturday, August 21, 2010

Passing the buck, Obama-style

So the US economy remains shaky even after the nearly $1T Stimulus Democrat package of 2009. The unemployment rate is at close to 10% or about 18M Americans. The DOW is riding waves surfboard riders wish they could see on either the Atlantic or Pacific. The national debt is at an astronomical $13T and mounting. And, tax increases looms beginning next year when former President Bush's tax cuts expire.

What does President Obama say about all of this data? Pretty much blames it all on congressional inaction.

How many more so-called Jobs and Stimulus bills will it take for the federal government to notice that such actions will not produce one iota of real jobs or stabilize the economy? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Unfortunately, Democrats don't pay mind to such reasoning. They control the purse-strings, and the entire government now. Can't blame the GOP for these bad numbers. The Democrats and Obama own these figures.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama still does not get it

American politics is an amusing blood sport to watch. Like President Bush before him, Obama is now the one Democrats don't want to be seen with in an election year. Not even a mere photo-op ala Charlie Crist.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Obama does not have the pulse of the nation. He clearly avoids siding with the American people in his belief that he has the greater wisdom. Such is the way of the fools' errand.

President Obama waded into the NYC mosque controversy, and it was not good.

Millions of Americans are upset that a mosque is being built so close to Ground Zero. Mr. President, there is no changing the majority's view of Islam as being diabolically responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. No mosque should be built there, period.

Perhaps New York City's labor unions can have a say here, and not work on such a project no matter how much their union members stand to gain.

Here's where NYC's labor can do for America what Obama, Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Patterson, and the state legislature, city council, the community board and the Landmarks Preservation Commission refused to do for all of us Americans. And, that is to take a strong stand against the Islamization of Ground Zero.