Friday, August 9, 2013

The fix is in

That President Obama personally intervened to ensure that members of congress and their aides would have the federal government pay for their healthcare coverage premium increases due to the Affordable Care Act, in absolute total violation of the Grassley Clause, tells me the fix is in.

The GOP has once again caved-in to Obama and the Democrats to the detriment of the U.S. Constitution.  In return for the illegal political maneuver, Obama will see passage of comprehensive immigration reform, tax increases, greater federal spending, debt-ceiling increases, and Cap and Trade.  And ObamaCare will be fully funded as there will be no will in Congress to either defund or overturn it while Obama is in office regardless of voter pressure to undo it.

So yes, from now on, if you hear the GOP taking a stand on any of the issues I mentioned above (or any other future issue), it'll all be for show as the fix is in for Congress will fight to keep its "Affordable" Care Act exemption regardless, rather than rock the Obama boat and risk the chance that Obama would pluck away the exemption at will. 

That is the carrot that presidents from here on now will dangle over Congress, because this particular Congress has refused to do its job for fear of letting their constituents know where they truly stand on ObamaCare.  Talk is cheap, but actions speak louder. 

Talk about an imperial presidency, it's already here.

The U.S. Congress and Obama win, you lose.