Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Democrats in political turmoil

I have never like Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) because I have always thought of him as slimier than slime.  A political con artist who only cares about his image on the screen and one who lusts for political power at all cost.  He is, in my opinion, a master manipulator, but he is also a savvy longtime political player.  And for that, he should not be avoided.

So this past week, after assessing the dramatic losses of Democrat seats, Schumer has come out swinging at Obama saying that instead of focusing on healthcare law reform, the Democrats, led by Obama, should have been putting their entire energy on economics and helping middle class families in the midst of a severe economic recession, if not, depression for many.

Schumer is absolutely correct.  The Democrats played hardball politics against the GOP and it blew up in their faces in 2010, 2012 and 2014.


Because the Democrats had tunnel vision since 2009; they all fell in love with Obama.  The Democrats rode on Obama's long coattail simply because he was the first mulatto president elected in the history of the United States of America.  They, having absolute control of Washington from 2009 to 2011, wanted to shove as much laws and regulations down the throats of suffering Americans as they could possibly get away with in an effort to make the Democrat party "the party of the people."

None said a word about the speed with which their train was running.  Nobody on the Democrat side wanted to apply the breaks, even a tad bit to slow down the steamrolling.  They all, including Schumer, went right along thinking they would govern for decades as they did prior to the Newt Gingrich Revolution of 1994.

However, the Democrats made numerous calculated mistakes.

One, unlike the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the internet has become the sole source of freedom for people to network with many like-minded people from around the nation.  Information is rather easy to obtain now than before 1994.  Americans are more political than ever before, and there is no stopping that fact, be they on the left or the right.

Two, economics is bread and butter for a majority of Americans.  What's the use of ObamaCare when millions of Americans are out of work or were forced to drop to part time status because of ObamaCare?

Three, why force a change in healthcare when 85% of Americans were happy with what they had?

Four, why spend so much money we don't have in order to create shovel ready jobs that were not there to begin with?  Where did the $1T go and what did they do with it?

Lastly, denying Keystone to satisfy the environmentalist nut jobs, and the disastrous green investments that has cost the government billions.

As the GOP has been saying since 2009, the congress should have been focusing more on the economy and the middle class than on a cause that had no real urgency for action, healthcare.

Schumer and the Democrats should have seen Obama for what he truly was, not an economics-minded politician nor a savvy political negotiator, but simply a bully who either got what he wanted (and he did when the Democrats controlled Congress), or he would do whatever on his own or shut the government down until the GOP blinked (which happened when the GOP wrested control of the House.)

So while Schumer attempts to save the Democrat party, he should also get partial blame for allowing the Democrats to fall so precipitously off the cliff because he's the Number-3 go-to-guy.  He allowed all this to befall on the Democrats.

But the larger picture is this.  Schumer and the Democrats have nothing to fear now from Obama since he can't run again for president.  The time now is to patch things up for Hillary's run.  Two years may not be enough, especially given the voters' hostility towards the Democrats and Obama due to the stagnant economy many thought they would fix but didn't.

Thus, the question on many peoples mind.  Will the Democratic minority work with the GOP majority in the 114th Congress to pass meaningful legislation and override any presidential veto?

That's really up to Schumer, Sen. Harry Reid and Cong. Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Republicans still get the blame for Democrat inaction

It's getting tiring hearing from liberals how the GOP "messed up" on passing up any comprehensive immigration reform that has forced President Barack Hussein Obama to act all on his own via his use of executive order to grant temporary relief for millions of illegal immigrants in the United States.

How can this be?  How is it the GOP's fault?

Well, let's take a look at one of the most forceful advocates for amnesty, Geraldo Rivera, who as a lawyer should know a thing or two about the Constitution and abuse of power as he's always reminding the public of President Nixon and Watergate.

But, you see, to Rivera, Nixon and Watergate were republican in nature whereas Obama and his granting what many see as an illegal use of executive order is not a crime or an abuse of power.  It's simply a way to address what the GOP refuses to do legislatively.

Say what?

But, why now, in late November 2014 and not when Obama had complete Democratic control of congress between 2009 and 2011?

Because as I've said and written many times, comprehensive immigration reform was not a major issue for Democrats between 2009 and 2011.  The Democrats simply kept this issue alive for as long as they could possibly to keep the illegal aliens in limbo and the Hispanic community in line.  That is, in the Democrat pocket just for the right time.  And that time is now.

Surely, Rivera must have seen that Democrat game played, but because the GOP has had to walk a thin line so as not to upset the TEA Party representatives within their caucus, Rivera goes right to the GOP jugular blaming them for all this nonsense.

Thus he began his silly rant, "Republicans had it coming" followed by "They allowed their House Leadership to be rendered irrelevant by anti-immigration radicals like Steve King of Iowa and Mo Brooks of Alabama.  The right wing herd and its supporting cast of screamers like Matt Drudge and Judicial Watch are indignant because they claim the president won't wait for the legislative process to work; that what Mr. Obama is doing is unconstitutional, imperious and impetuous.  On both counts, that is total horseshit."

So two weeks after the most stunning mid-term election in recent history where the president's own Democrat party got trounced in congress and on the state level, Rivera tries to save Obama's presidency and presidential action by blaming the republican party.  How dubious of him!

It wasn't too long ago, in fact, it was on November 19, 2012 (two weeks after his re-election), when while in Myanmar (which has been struggling with democracy after years of military rule), Obama told the audience, "As president, I cannot just impose my will on Congress -- the Congress of the United States -- even though sometimes I wish I could," he said.  Obama continued, "The legislative branch has its own powers and its own prerogatives, and so they check my power and balance my power."

So, in essence, Obama speaks with two different teleprompters depending on the audience at hand. While traveling, he generously promotes democracy.  But in his own country, he practices and relishes autocratic partisan rule.  And that is just fine with Rivera, so long as the president is a liberal Democrat like he is.

Writes Rivera, "The GOP has zero intention to do anything on immigration except build higher fences and hire more border guards."

Well, the Democrat party also proved they had zero intention to do anything on immigration, as well when both Speaker Nancy Pelosi ran the House and Reid ran the senate together during Obama's first two years in office.

Indeed Geraldo, the GOP is listening to the vast majority of Americans who oppose amnesty and want our borders secured with more border patrol officers securing our borders.  Is there a problem with that?

I'll end on this note.  I do think that Obama has gone rogue because he doesn't have much of a legacy despite six years in office.  The economy has been sputtering along despite Wall Street reaching record highs, but that is only due to the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing policy.

The trillion dollar Porkulus passed in 2009 hasn't provided the shovel ready jobs Obama and vice president Joe Biden promised it would have.

Billions of dollars in government loan guarantees to green companies that have gone belly-up have gone to waste with not a whisper from the liberal mainstream media or the Democrat leadership.

And we still don't have accurate figures as to how many Americans have enrolled and paid for ObamaCare policies; or how many Americans have lost their health insurance plans because of ObamaCare; or why the supposed 30 million Americans who were uninsured prior to ObamaCare have not signed up?

Lastly, and I can go on forever, I'm not fooled by the unemployment numbers coming out of the Department of Labor.  We need a true account of unemployment in the United States.  Let's pray the GOP can get to the bottom of it and many other matters during the 114th Congress.

May God Bless America!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The GOP Tsunami of the 2014 Midterm Election

What can I say, but the November 4, 2014 midterm election, on the 35th anniversary of the US hostage crisis in Teheran, Iran (1979), and 34 years after the presidential election of former California governor Ronald Reagan (1980), was a complete and vitriolic repudiation of President Obama and his policies as well as the Democrat party's stranglehold in Washington.

I woke up early this morning to the news of the national defeat of the Democrats and hearing by the liberal pundits that the elevation of the Republican party in Congress was not really a mandate.  Say again?

Yes, my head nearly flipped.  How can the liberal pundits dare say this GOP win was not a national mandate?  Of course it was!  The Republicans won a good majority in both houses of Congress, and they took control of the governorship in both Illinois (home of President Obama) and Maryland which is a liberal bastion.

Not only that, but the Democrats' painting the GOP as hostile to the interests of women, thus the War on Women, fell flat on their faces as conservative Republican women like Joni Ernst of Iowa won the senate seat occupied by outgoing liberal stalwart Tom Harkin.  She faced a male Democrat in that race, but you never heard the liberal establishment say anything there about the GOP's War on Women, did you?

Or, how about Mia Love's winning a house seat in Utah's 4th CD?  She is a conservative black Republican who also ran against a male Democrat.

Or, what about the first conservative black Republican in South Carolina to win on his own accord the seat once occupied by Sen. Jim DeMint, Tim Scott?

How about the re-election of South Carolina's governor Nikki Haley who is of Indian descent?

Then there's Elise Stefanik in upstate New  York winning a seat to the House.

Folks, don't let the media tell you otherwise.  This election was mind-blowing.  It signaled a complete reversal of Obamanomics.  The American people have already had their fill of Obama Gas, and it's noxious.

But, mark my words, the GOP establishment better pay very careful heed to this election.  The American voters have been shaking up the political dynamic since 2006.  Yes, they elected the Democrats to Congress in 2006, elected Obama on false hope and change in 2008, brought back the GOP to the House in 2010 and 2012, and now finally the GOP to the senate in 2014.

Americans are getting sick and tired of the Old Guard, and have given one chance, to Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner (let's see if he'll keep his speakership in January) to get it right and set the correct tone the country needs.

The American people have given the GOP a national mandate.  They do not want more of the Obama heroin lulling the public into a neverending psychedelic trip.  They've been given two years to right the course of the nation.

They want the GOP to fight Obama.  This is war, my friends.  A political war between the GOP and Obama, and it'll be interesting to see where the Democrats will stand.  Democrats have already seen the anger.  The writing is on the wall.  Will they continue siding with their president and the party, or will they strike on their own to save their own hides?

While I am elated and gloating at the GOP's victory, this election has only given the TEA Party an extra charge in holding the GOP to the fire.  These next two years will be one in which the TEA Party grassroots will be keeping close tabs on what happens in Washington, and preparing potential candidates to challenge those GOPers that forget who they represent.

As for Obama, it'll be interesting to see the route he takes in light of the GOP victory.  Will he learn and work with the GOP?  Or, will he consider this the Political War of all Wars?  By that I mean that given he sees the conservatives and TEA Party activists as the real enemy in America (instead of ISIS and domestic terrorists), will he be the first to fire the first shot across the bow at McConnell and Boehner hoping to break the GOP and blaming them for all the troubles plaguing the nation?

Will we be hearing of more IRS intimidation tactics against conservative activists and Christian churches?  Will Obama force an illegal immigration amnesty of 20M via executive order?  Will Obama step up efforts to deprive Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights?

These next few weeks of the lame duck session in Congress will be very interesting, indeed.