Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Obama Diplomacy: Speak softly and carry a twig

Having heard President Obama's G20 speech in Turkey a few days after the multi-pronged Islamic jihadi terrorist attacks in Paris, the best way to describe Obama's foreign policy, as it relates to fighting Islam-inspired terrorism, is "speak softly, and carry a twig."

There is no doubt that Obama left many in the conference shaking their heads wondering just what's happened to the United States of America that we've come to know.

They know what's happened.  It isn't until they see their own cities attacked by Islamic terrorists do they come to wonder why.

The US had been, right up until January 20, 2009, the global leader.  Because the world turned its head against the US and President Bush because of two wars, sixty-seven million voters elected a complete dunce into the White  House.

I remember the spell he cast over Europe during his campaign speaking to Berliners trumpeting a new beginning, his promise to forge new relations with the world by ending the US practice of might-makes-right.  He signaled to the world that his rule would be one molded in peace through reasoning, because after all, he was a college professor who'd rather think things through rather than act on the human predatory instincts.  For this, he won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for having done absolutely nothing to earn it other than promote "Hope & Change".

He was, we were often told throughout that campaign, an intelligent and articulate (black) man.

Well, almost seven years later, we've seen how the world was wrong.  We've seen just how inexperienced Obama is when it comes to hard military decisions to protect this country and those fighting jihadism.

So let this be a severe lesson the next time we elect a president.  Do we, as Americans, continue with this Speak Softly and Carry a Twig Diplomacy championed also by Hillary who terms it as Smart Power?  Or do we implement a policy that is straightforward and muscular, and leaves nothing to the imagination of friend or foe of what we will stand for and will do to thwart evil?

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