Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dear George Will

Every once in a while I read a silly column full of lies or misrepresentations or utter nonsense or a mixture of the three to make one nauseous.  Mostly, those silly columns come straight from left field and on a few occasions, I'll read one that comes from right field.

One such column was published last week written by someone I like, and that is George Will.

Now, I always tend to keep my guard up when I read political columns be it from the right or the left. It's just natural for me to do so.  Every writer, myself included, has a point to make to persuade the reader to his or her side of the argument.  That's all fair so long as the argument isn't littered with bull shit and urine, and that is how I have to describe Will's column "If Trump wins the nomination, prepare for the end of the conservative party".

The gathering of the GOP establishment against the number one Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump, is beyond comprehensible.  It's an outright betrayal against the grassroots political movement that sprang into action shortly after President Obama's inauguration in January 2009.  That is, the TEA Party with its millions of angry voters.

The GOP establishment and the Republican voter base have been at war with one another for decades, but it's been played out in front of the nation for almost seven years.  We can go as far back as 1976 with the establishment's treatment of Ronald W. Reagan, and their support for President Gerald Ford who then went on to lose to Governor Jimmy Carter.

But then something happened in 1980.  And it wasn't the hostage crisis, although that event did help solidify Reagan's support.  The GOP establishment threw its weight behind George H.W. Bush against Reagan.


The former wasn't an ideologue whereas the latter was a champion of conservatism, and he didn't mince words.  He spoke eloquently about America, it's freedom and strengths, and told the crowd of supporters that he would repair and embolden the economy and would also strengthen the military.

Yet, despite the Reagan rhetoric throughout the campaign, the GOP establishment was not hearing it. They remained non-committed to the revolution that was taking place right in front of their eyes and refused to accept Reagan as one of their own.

So, what did propel Reagan to win the nomination and eventually the White House?  Well, it was the 1980 version of the TEA Party, the so-called Moral Majority led by the Baptist Rev. Jerry Falwell who coalesced a large group of evangelicals into a powerful conservative political group that would support Republican candidates and the Republican party throughout that decade.

Here we are in late 2015, and the GOP establishment is having another conniption fit because its preferred candidate, Jeb Bush (much like his father in 1980), hasn't been able to break out of his 3% quagmire despite political connections and contributions of over $100M and television commercials in Iowa and New Hampshire.

What has Trump spent to garner close to 40% support?  A very small, meager fraction compared to Bush's, and most of it has been spent on the red baseball caps bearing the words "Make America Great Again".

Like 1980, 1992 (with H. Ross Perot), and 1994 (with the Newt Gingrich House majority victory), there is a political revolution occurring where the voters are pissed off at their politicians and the party establishment and the media.

As much as the political establishment and the media would like to have the people believe that the TEA Party is dead, don't believe it.  It's all hype and meant to keep voters at home feeling insignificant in the political arena.  The TEA Party is quite alive and breathing fire.

Just ask former GOP representative from Virginia, Eric Cantor, a GOP rising star defeated in his own primary in 2014 by a TEA Party candidate.

But, that's not all.  The fact that piles of money is not playing the heavy role it once did for the preferred candidate says plenty, and that is what is frightening the Republican party.  All parties thrive on money, the more dollars the better, and since many GOP contributors are keeping their wallets shut, what can the RNC do but sit it out or ask the rank and file to donate.

I haven't, and I won't!

In his anti-Trump rant, Will writes, "In 2016, a Trump nomination would not just mean another Democratic presidency.  It would also mean the loss of what Taft and then Goldwater made possible -- a conservative party as a constant presence in US politics."

That was 1913 and 1964 thinking.  That would only be true if, in 2015, the Republican establishment truly supported the conservative wing of its own base.  However, the RNC has, for years, been shifting away from that base for what it sees as a more fertile ground of progressivism, thus their championing for comprehensive immigration reform, more bloated government spending, and refusing to repeal Obamacare, among other things.

Trump may not be the ideal conservative orthodox.  Hell, he's been married three times, but then again, President Reagan married twice.  Yet Reagan still carried the conservative torch.  Why?

Because, come 2016, this election is not going to be about fooling the American people once again with lofty but meaningless campaign slogans coming from the mouths of phony conservative ideologues like Jeb and Kasich.

It's about leading the United States of America in a positive direction.  The establishment wants the status quo whereas the American people want something new, something fresh, something bold. Washington is rancid!  It stinks!  It's corrupt! Everybody knows it and voters are prepared to do something about it.

Writes Will, "It is possible Trump will not win any primary, and that by the middle of March our long national embarrassment will be over.  But this avatar of unfettered government and executive authoritarianism has mesmerized a large portion of Republicans for six months."

He continues, "The larger portion should understand this:  One hundred and four years of  history is in the balance.  If Trump is the nominee in 2016, there might not be a conservative party in 2020 either."

Those words are coming from a "conservative" who hosted a dinner at his Chevy Chase, Maryland house to welcome then president-elect Obama in January 2009.

First, the only national embarrassment is the one in which Jeb Bush is incapable of gaining any traction despite his family name and the millions he's already spent to keep that 3%.  That's embarrassing!  Same goes with Kasich and Christie.

Secondly, "this avatar of unfettered government and executive authoritarianism"?  Really, that's Will really sinking to new depths given how Obama has ruled, and Hillary stating she would circumvent the GOP congress and issue executive orders to get her way if she is elected.

And lastly, the conservative party or movement, whatever you want to call it, is not going away so long as there are people willing to support freedom, the Constitution and a clean form of government. The same predictions have been made by the pundits and the progressive Democrats about the TEA Party, but the TEA Party remains a visible force in politics.

What I will guarantee to the Republican establishment is that if Trump does win the White House, there might not be a Republican party in 2020 that mirrors the party of 2016, 2012 or 2008 with its elitist smug and trappings.

 The Republican party's party of fooling the American people is over!

And there you have it folks, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!


  1. Great post and research -
    What the GOP has done to its base is nearly to this reader anyway, unforgivable -

    They have moved from the party of ideas and solutions to appeasement. They have wrongly assumed that by doing the same thing the DNC has done, they have secured their "right" to govern. The problem is, they're not "Governors" they're legislators and by that in the truest sense of the word means they either create and or abolish laws, acts and statutes. They've done none of these things.

    They have been free falling since 1995 when they took their last stand by shutting down the government for the right reasons unlike, what they did in 2012.

    In fact the whole idea of the 2012 "sequester" was to stop what Obama was doing and then they gave it all away to Obama anyway allowing him to close "open air" parks, stop extended unemployment for those forced out of work by Obama policies. - When Obama pushed back and said he had his own list - The GOP went to Facebook to complain....This is like the cops complaining to me about rape and robbery - What did they want us to do on Facebook, use harsh language? -

    To this Blogger's point and many, millions of once faithful GOP'ers....Its clear to us that the GOP has decided to created an alliances with those "across the aisle" thinking somehow this show of friendship will somehow net them some votes -

    The GOP again misfired. No one currently that is on the hard left side will turn to our side and few of us will turn to the LEFT....We are polarized because the GOP stopped being Republicans...We anger more than ever before because like in a marriage we can have a wife and friends that are girls but you cannot have a wife and a "girlfriend" - Well, that's what the GOP continues to do - They want us, the voters as their wives for support and love but then they want to run off with their girlfriends in the Democratic party.....Appeasement doesn't work....and never will.

    And that's my 2 cents on it.
